
The Aftermath

"Talk of a possible World Series fix continued through the winter months into the 1920 season"(Linder, 2010).  This lead to the convening of a Grand Jury to investigate the 1919 World Series.  Rube Benton of the New York Giants would be the one to expose the truth about the Series Fix. "Benton told the grand jury that he saw a telegram sent in late September to a Giants teammate from Sleepy Burns, stating that the Sox would lose the 1919 series"(Linder, 2010).  The Grand Jury would investigate each player regarding the 1919 Series.  "The Scandal couldn't have come at a worse time. A post-war depression was starting to sink in, there was public disillusionment, and racial tensions were reaching a boiling point. The need of America for its good old national pastime was at a peak, and this fiasco ruined even that for the public"(Everstine,1998).