Game 1: The White Sox lost to the Reds 9-1. The players did not receive the $20,000 they were promised after their first loss but they agreed to throw the second game as well as long as they received the money after. "Rumors continued throughout the World Series. After game one, which the White Sox lost 9-1, J.G Taylor Spink, publisher of
The Sporting News, often referred to as the Bible of baseball, informed American League president Ban Johnson of the rumors surrounding the series. Johnson seemed to deny these rumors"(Payne).
Game 1 |
Game 2: The White Sox lost their second game 4-2. "Lefty" Williams was the pitcher, easing up on his pitching he allowed for the Reds to score early on. Sox Catcher Ray Schalk, complained after the game that Williams refused to listen to the pitches he was calling. After the White Sox second straight loss they wanted to be paid. When they did not receive the amount they were promised they decided that the fix was off.
Game 2: Buck Weaver Scoring at Home |
Game 3: The White Sox won Game Three 3-0. Angry they had yet to receive their promised pay they refused to do what the gamblers wanted. "Gandil told Sullivan that he needed $20,000 before Game Four, or the fix was over"(Linder, 2010).
Game 4: Finally receiving the money they were old the players once again threw the game. The Reds won Game Four 2-0.
Game 5: The Reds beat Chicago 5-0. They were one game away from winning the World Series. When the gamblers did not produce the additional $20,000 the players were promised they had decided that "they had enough"(Linder, 2010). They were not going to throw the series if the gamblers were going to be unreliable.